What is "Nisan 14th"?

It is the day when the "Lord's Supper" should be held.

"Lord's Supper" refers to the only regular ritual that Jesus commanded in the last night's meal that Christ spent on earth. It is different from the "Easter" and the "Eucharist " and "Communion" of the church.


Since this ritual should be held on the 14th day of the Jewish calendar, it has the origin of calling itself the "New Quartodecimanism", and is intended to revive the primitive Christian "Quartodecimanism" under the guidance of the apostle John. It is the most important ritual in.


That night is the night when the "Passover Festival" stipulated in the Law(Torah) should be held, which is the 14th day of Nisan's month in the Jewish calendar, and where in the modern calendar from March to April every year. At the Last Supper that night, Christ Jesus foresaw his death and started a new ritual to commemorate Christ's departure from Jerusalem from a meal commemorating the night of Exodus.

 Jews who are Pharisees until today will have a "Passover" meal on the night of  "Nisan 15th".

If we had a “Lord's Supper” on the night of April 14, just as Christ and the apostles did a "passage" the night before.

At the same time, as Jesus did, we will commemorate Nisan 14th, one day ahead of the Jewish regime.


This one-day difference created a connection between the Exodus lamb and Christ Jesus, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world," when the Jewish regime slaughtered the Messiah-Christ on the same day as Exodus. This gap must have been divine, and it can be said that it was an open path because there was confusion among the Jews on the Passover date by that time.


In that way, the Messiah was protected from the place to start this ritual in the midst of intense hostility from the Jewish regime, and when he asked the two apostles to find a "man carrying a water bottle", he and the high priests It shows the confidentiality of Iscariot, who was his minion, to Judas. Jesus was especially eager for this opportunity, and all but one of the Twelve Apostles endured the trials of the Messiah together, and the next dinner in heaven was promised. Meanwhile, the process of slaughtering Jesus, the "Lamb of God", was underway outside.


Therefore, the date on which the Lord's Supper" should be held cannot always be calculated according to astronomical reasons, as there is a reason to always keep one day before the Passover meal of Pharisee Jews.

It must be the "Lamb-slaughtering night of Exodus" that the Jews should protect. Seeking the same day of the solar year is a bad habit from the Council of Nikea, breaking the link between old and new biblical miracles.


If a leap month is inserted into the Jewish calendar that year, it will be a month away from astronomical calculations.Jesus was judged by the Supreme Council of Jerusalem and suffered on the last "Preparation Day" to avoid their festival starting on the 15th, otherwise earl Christianity would say "Quartodecimanism". There was no reason for it to exist.



The original "Passover Festival" is that the Israelites, who had been enslaved in ancient Egypt, finally left Egypt after Moses and his brother Aaron negotiated with Pharaoh through a number of miracles of God. It was an annual festival commemorating the tenth miracle and Exodus that took place the night before.

That night, a lamb was slaughtered in each household and suppered with yeast-free bread and bitter vegetables, but God commanded that the blood be smeared on the duck and pillars of the doorway of the house.

That night, when the angel saw the blood in the doorway, he passed over without harming the house, and the harm came to the non-ritual houses, and the Pharaoh's palace was no exception, the crown prince. The life of the palace was lost, and Pharaoh was finally forced to admit the departure of Israel.


It is clear to those of faith that the blood of the lamb at that time implied the blood of the sacrifice of the later "Lamb of God" Christ. For such a person, Exodus and Christ's last meal are deeply linked.

At that supper, as a Jew, Jesus held the "Passover Festival" and at the same time started a new ritual.Through the apostles Jesus commanded him to continue to commemorate his death, which was later called the "Supper of the Lord".(1Co 11:20)


John, the last remaining twelve apostles, did what the early Christians did on the night of the 14th of the month of Nisan, in time for the Jews to "Passover" (Pesaha). It is reported by the disciples of Asia Minor who were instructed by.

In this regard, a letter from Polycrates, the leader of Ephesus in the second century, states that they were conducting the "Lord's Supper"(Pasca) in accordance with the day of the Jewish Passover. (Historia Ecclesiastica V:24)


This "Lord's Supper" is the only regular ritual that Jesus commanded.Something like Christmas didn't even exist until it became the state religion of the Roman Empire. December 25th of the solar calendar was widely protected by the common people as the resurrection of the sun god, which was celebrated in the Roman Empire, and the holiday of the agricultural god Saturnus. It was adopted as it was when the Roman people converted to Christianity.


The solemn "Lord's Supper" with the purpose of "notifying the Lord's death" has been replaced with a happy "Easter". It was enacted in the Roman Empire after the 4th century, and came from the practice of nationalist Christians who disliked Judaism and festivals at the same time.


The reason why Christianity, which was originally based on Judaism, gradually lost Jews and became a European religion, is that the teachings of Christ and the apostles take root in most of the Jews. There is a cause where it was not.

The Gentiles who accepted the apostles intensified their dislike of Judaism when they saw the stubbornness of the Jews who adhered to the law and often participated in the persecution of Christians, and Christianity was a religion completely different from Judaism.


As Europe converted from various pagans to Christianity, the pagan customs and festivals up to that point were mixed with “Christianity”, especially after the 4th century AD, when Christianity became the national religion of the Roman Empire. In, the Hebrew culture that belongs to the Old Testament hides in the shadows, and instead the Helenistic culture that was popular at that time is the foundation of Christianity.

Hellenistic is a civilization in which ancient Greek culture was mixed with Asian culture in the Middle East as a result of Alexander the Great's eastern expedition. Hellenistic has a strong pagan mystery.


As a result, Christianity abandoned the precious teachings of Judaism on which it should be based and relaunched as a different religion, building on pagan mysticism. Therefore, the festival of the Roman Empire, which was the birthday of the sun god at that time on December 25, was regarded as the birthday of Christ as it was, and the influence of the three-faced gods often seen in Helenism was the "trinity" of Christ and The Holy Spirit also allowed God to celebrate. In other words, even the worshiping god has been replaced.


The Old Testament and the New Testament were in close agreement, as Christianity changed to a European religion, while Judaism remained in the Mosaic Law, but the teachings were divided. , Christians are less interested in the Old Testament, and Jews are ignoring the New Testament, which unravels the meaning of the Old Testament. Neither studying in a Christian church nor asking in a Jewish synagogue is in an environment of consistent knowledge of the entire Bible, and in most cases it is still the case today.


Even with regard to the "Lord's Supper",which Christ founded at the last banquet, the Jews were still Pharisees, and according to their tradition, instead of the Jewish cryptic Nisan 14th night in the Old Testament. The next day, on the evening of the 15th, we are having a "Passover" meal Seder.

Because of the difference in the day, Jesus was correctly slaughtered as the "Lamb of God" on the 14th, which is the day of Exodus.

The modern Pharisees have inherited the gap of the day and continue to prove that they executed Jesus on the 14th of Nisan by starting the festival on the 15th until now21st century.


Christians are unaware that Christ in The Lord's Supper pointed to a lamb slaughtered in Exodus.

Also, because they hated Judaism, they turned Jesus' loyal "death memorial" along with "Passover" into an "Easter" associated with the resurrection of Christ, making it a happy festival.

Thus, the people who performed the "Lord's Supper" to commemorate the death of Christ as Jesus commanded on the evening of Nisan 14 were completely gone.


In other words, even Christianity has moved away from the consistent teachings of the New and Old Bibles. But what is revealed in the Bible, which connects the Exodus Supper with the Last Supper of Christ, is not something that humans can devise in a profound, meaningful and clear way. The "Lord's Supper" is a miracle in itself.

One should show there fear of God's greatness and respect for Christ, who has decided to sacrifice to bear the sins of mankind.



In that ritual, those who eat and drink yeast-free bread and red wine have already received the Atonement of Christ, and the Bible teaches that they are the saints who are included in the "new covenant" and are poured with the Holy Spirit. (Lk22:20)


The covenant has the extremely heavy meaning of summoning Christ's "brothers", the true "Abraham's seeds",who inherit the "Kingdom of Heaven"with Christ.The hope of all mankind lies there. It is not just a "congratulations" such as "believers are united with Christ". It also renews the solemn self-sacrificing spirit of those who follow the path of being with Christ.

On the other hand, we who are not Israel, descendants of Abraham, are "Gentiles".But, we believers have the task of preparing the place of the important ritual and waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to occur at any time.


The first coming Christ was commanded "I say to you, I say to all:Watch"(Mr13:37)

"to all" is a person who believes, whether or not he is a saint.

So, if a person does not even obey the only regular ritual that Christ himself commanded, does it have a Christian faith?


So, about 1,800 years after the Holy Spirit's death after the apostolic era, we ate yeast-free bread and red wine, which symbolize the flesh and blood of Christ. No one drinks, but it still has a heavy meaning to show that this ritual is ready.


Jesus himself repeatedly told that when the "end" when Christ came again, that is, the "world," the Holy Spirit would be poured again and the disciples who spoke miraculous words and preached the world, that is, the "saints", would appear. (Mt10:18/Mr13:9-11/Lu21:12-15)


In addition, the Bible says that "the Lord's Supper" should be done "until the time the Lord arrives."

Therefore, it is also a clear proof that the "Kingdom of God" has not arrived while performing this ritual on earth. This is because the "Kingdom of Heaven" will not be founded unless the saints are called to the forgiveness of Christ in heaven. Before that, the saints must complete the "new covenant" on earth and undergo an attempt to "walk the way of Christ."(1Co 11:26)


Jesus said, commanding the disciples to prepare for the uncertain Second Coming, saying, "you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately." (Lu12:36)

It will bring about the infusion of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the first arrival of Christ, and will recreate those who have been tentatively approved for righteousness.


But if no one on earth would follow even the only non-difficult ritua commanded, Is human being so worthy of God's good intentions? It is shameful before Abraham's faith. What did he try to offer?

By his deeds he showed that God had enough on earth to sacrifice his Son.


Has the Christian world so far shown that it is so ready?Immediate acceptance when the master returns would mean that Christianity in the apostolic age would have to be restored to some extent. Isn't the seat of The Lord's Supper at least arranged as Christ intended?

The current state of Christendom is not so much.


If a person finds something in the Bible that goes far beyond what he can do, realizing the word from God and the unique will, and if the person exercises faith in God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is it possible to avoid preparing the annual Lord's Supper


Today, even though the Holy Spirit is still in the descent and no one should eat or drink bread and wine, it is the one who sits down for the meal and waits for the return of his master, Christ. It is the duty of those who share the same faith in primitive Christianity.


If there is no one in Judaism, Christianity, or looking around the world who waits for his master like that, what a modern man is worth no salvation.

No one is responding to the only helping hand in the world.

An unbelieving person is neither blamed nor guilty of being destroyed fo not arranging a seat for the Lord's Supper. But if a person who exercises faith in his heart can do it, but does not, does that indifference humble the great will of God and the noble sacrifice of Christ?


Neither God nor Christ force faith, nor do they dominate like cult gurus, but do people do nothing and just wait for salvation? It will discourage God's side.

Jesus asked, Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? What kind of answer will the world give to the one word asked? (Lu18:8)


The last night of Christ, the day before the Jewish festival, was “Preparation Day”. If you have faith in salvation, you have to be careful about how you spend the night of the coming April 21th 2024.


If we do a “Lord's Supper”, it also means that the former Quartodecimanism, which received the scent of the last Twelve Apostles John, will be restored in the 21st century. It also shows that those who commemorate the “death of the Lord” are resurrected to the present day on the night of Exodus as commanded by Christ.


It calls to heaven, “Come, Lord Jesus”. It also represents a desire for the arrival of the “Kingdom of God” from a world full of suffering.

If we set aside a certain time in front of our yeast-free bread and red wine without eating or drinking them, it means that there is someone waiting in the earth before God.

The details of the ritual are not in the Bible, Break the bread (preferably into 12 slices), pour the wine (preferably into the goblet), we will be able to read one of the 14th to 17th chapters of the Gospel of John in the Bible, petition God for the Second Coming of Christ, pray, and spend some holy time.

But eventually the day will come when the Holy Spirit will eat and drink them.


We hope that all of you who have the faith of returning to the original Primitive Christianity will be able to commemorate the same night together.



                                                 Yoshihira Hayashi
                                                               Tukuba-City Japan


If you performed this ceremony on the day, please let us know the number of participants, the country name, and the city name.





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